Chapter 49 Parasite Control Programs

Equine Parasitic Disease

  1. Lyons ET, Tolliver SC, Ionita M, et al. 2008. Field studies indicating reduced activity of ivermectin on small strongyles in horses on a farm in Central Kentucky. Parasitol Res 103:209. PUBMED Abstract
  2. Lyons ET, Tolliver SC, Kuzmina TA, et al. 2010. Critical tests evaluating efficacy of moxidectin against small strongyles in horses from a herd for which reduced activity had been found in field tests in Central Kentucky. Parasitol Res 107:1495. PUBMED Abstract
  3. Lyons ET, Tolliver SC, Collins SS. 2009. Probable reason why small strongyle EPG counts are returning “early” after ivermectin treatment of horses on a farm in Central Kentucky. Parasitol Res 104:569. PUBMED Abstract
  4. Rossano MG, Smith AR, Lyons ET. 2010. Shortened strongyle-type egg reappearance periods in naturally infected horses treated with moxidectin and failure of a larvicidal dose of fenbendazole to reduce fecal egg counts. Vet Parasitol 173:349. PUBMED Abstract
  5. Drudge JH, Lyons ET. 1966. Control of internal parasites of horses. J Am Vet Med Assoc 148:378. PUBMED Abstract
  6. Borgsteede FHM, Boersema JH, Gaasenbeek CPH, et al. 1993. The reappearance of eggs in feces of horses after treatment with ivermectin. Vet Quart 15:24. PUBMED Abstract
  7. Boersema JH, Borgsteede FHM, Eysker M, et al. 1995. The reappearance of strongyle eggs in feces of horses treated with pyrantel embonate. Vet Quart 17:18. PUBMED Abstract
  8. Demeulenaere D, Vercruysse J, Dorny P, et al. 1997. Comparative studies of ivermectin and moxidectin in the control of naturally acquired cyathostome infections in horses. Vet Rec 15:383. PUBMED Abstract
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  11. Kaplan RM, Nielsen MK. 2010. An evidence-based approach to equine parasite control: it ain't the 60s anymore. Equine Vet Educ 22:306.
  12. Nielsen MK, Haaning N, Olsen SN. 2006. Strongyle egg shedding consistency in horses on farms using selective therapy in Denmark. Vet Parasitol 35:333. PUBMED Abstract
  13. Döpfer D, Kerssens CM, Meijer YGM, et al. 2004. Shedding consistency of strongyle-type eggs in Dutch boarding horses. Vet Parasitol 124:249. PUBMED Abstract
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  17. Waghorn TS, Miller CM, Oliver AM, et al. 2009. Drench-and-shift is a high-risk practice in the absence of refugia. N Z Vet J 57:359. PUBMED Abstract
  18. Waghorn TS, Leathwick DM, Miller CM, et al. 2008. Brave or gullible: testing the concept that leaving susceptible parasites in refugia will slow the development of anthelmintic resistance. N Z Vet J 56:158. PUBMED Abstract
  19. Leathwick DM, Miller CM, Atkinson DS, et al. 2008. Managing anthelmintic resistance: untreated adult ewes as a source of unselected parasites, and their role in reducing parasite populations. N Z Vet J 56:184. PUBMED Abstract
  20. Herd RP. 1990. The changing world of worms—the rise of the cyathostomes and the decline of Strongylus vulgaris. Comp Cont Educ Pract Vet 12:732.
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  23. Proudman CJ, French NP, Trees AJ. 1998. Tapeworm infection is a significant risk factor for spasmodic colic and ileal impaction colic in the horse. Equine Vet J 30:194. PUBMED Abstract
  24. Cribb NC, Cote NM, Boure LP, et al. 2006. Acute small intestinal obstruction associated with Parascaris equorum infection in young horses: 25 cases (1985-2004). N Z Vet J 54:338. PUBMED Abstract
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  26. Laugier C, Sevin C, Ménard S, et al. 2012. Prevalence of Parascaris equorum infection in foals on French stud farms and first report of ivermectin-resistant P. equorum populations in France. Vet Parasitol 188:185. PUBMED Abstract
  27. Lyons ET, Tolliver SC, Rathgeber RA, et al. 2007. Parasite field study in central Kentucky on Thoroughbred foals (born in 2004) treated with pyrantel tartrate daily and other parasiticides periodically. Parasitol Res 100:473. PUBMED Abstract
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  30. Nielsen MK, Kaplan RM, Thamsborg SM, et al. 2007. Climatic influences on development and survival of free-living stages of equine strongyles: implications for worm control strategies and managing anthelmintic resistance. Vet J 174:23. PUBMED Abstract
  31. Reid SW, Mair TS, Hillyer MH, et al. 1995. Epidemiological risk factors associated with a diagnosis of clinical cyathostomiasis in the horse. Equine Vet J 27:127. PUBMED Abstract
  32. Lyons ET, Tolliver SC. 2003. Field test data on small strongyles in evaluation of activity of fenbendazole given once a day for 5 consecutive days to Thoroughbred yearlings on two farms in Kentucky in 2002 and 2003. Parasitol Res 91:312. PUBMED Abstract
  33. Gasser RB, Williamson RMC, Beveridge I. 2005. Anoplocephala perfoliata of horses—significant scope for further research improved diagnosis and control. Parasitology 131:1. PUBMED Abstract
  34. Trotz-Williams L, Physick-Sheard P, McFarlane H, et al. 2008. Occurrence of Anoplocephala perfoliata infection in horses in Ontario, Canada and associations with colic and management practices. Vet Parasitol 153:73. PUBMED Abstract
  35. Proudman C. 1997. Immunoepidemiology of the equine tapeworm Anoplocephala perfoliata: age-intensity profile and age-dependency of antibody subtype responses. Parasitology 114:89. PUBMED Abstract
  36. Roelfstra L, Betschart B, Pfister K. 2006. A study on the seasonal epidemiology of Anoplocephala spp. infection in horses and the appropriate treatment using a praziquantel gel (Droncit 9% oral gel). Berl Munch Tierarztl Wochenschr 119:312. PUBMED Abstract
  37. Meana A, Pato NF, Martin R, et al. 2005. Epidemiological studies on equine cestodes in central Spain: infection pattern and population dynamics. Vet Parasitol 130:233. PUBMED Abstract
  38. Chapman MR, French DD, Klei TR. 2001. Seasonal transmission of gastrointestinal parasites of equids in southern Louisiana. J Parasitol 87:1371. PUBMED Abstract
  39. Lyons ET, Tolliver SC, Stamper S, et al. 1994. Transmission of some species of internal parasites in horses born in 1990, 1991, and 1992 in the same pasture on a farm in central Kentucky. Vet Parasitol 52:257. PUBMED Abstract
  40. Benton RE, Lyons ET. 1994. Survey in central Kentucky for prevalence of Anoplocephala perfoliata in horses at necropsy in 1992. Vet Parasitol 55:81. PUBMED Abstract
  41. Lyons ET, Tolliver SC, Collins SS, Drudge JH. 2001. Transmission of endoparasites in horse foals born on the same pasture on a farm in central Kentucky (1996-1999). Vet Parasitol 97:113. PUBMED Abstract
  42. Barclay W, Phillips T, Foerner J. 1982. Intussusception associated with Anoplocephala perfoliata infection in five horses. J Am Vet Med Assoc 180:752. PUBMED Abstract
  43. Owen RR, Jagger DW, Quan-Taylor R. 1989. Caecal intussusceptions in horses and the significance of Anoplocephala perfoliata. Vet Rec 124:34. PUBMED Abstract
  44. Lyons ET, Drudge JH, Tolliver SC, et al. 1988. Determination of the efficacy of pyrantel pamoate at the therapeutic dose against the tapeworm Anoplocephala perfoliata in equids using a modification of the critical test. Vet Parasitol 31:13. PUBMED Abstract
  45. Reinemeyer CR, Hutchens DE, Eckblad WP, et al. 2006. Dose confirmation studies of the cestocidal activity of pyrantel pamoate paste in horses. Vet Parasitol 138:234. PUBMED Abstract
  46. Enigk K. 1951. Die pathogenese der thrombotisch-embolische Kolik des Pferdes. Monatsh Tierheilk 3:65.
  47. Duncan JL. 1974. Strongylus vulgaris infection in the horse. Vet Rec 95:34. PUBMED Abstract
  48. Duncan JL, Pirie HM. 1975. The pathogenesis of single experimental infections with Strongylus vulgaris in foals. Res Vet Sci 18:82. PUBMED Abstract
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  51. McCraw BM, Slocombe JOD. 1984. Strongylus equinus: development and pathological effects in the equine host. Can J Comp Med 49:372. PUBMED Abstract
  52. Coles GC, Brown SN, Trembath CM. 1999. Pyrantel resistant large strongyles in racehorses. Vet Rec 145:408. PUBMED Abstract
  53. Lyons ET, Drudge JH, Tolliver SC. 1973. Life-cycle of Strongyloides westeri in equine. J Parasitol 59:780. PUBMED Abstract
  54. Netherwood T, Wood JLN, Townsend HGG, et al. 1996. Foal diarrhoea between 1991 and 1994 in the United Kingdom associated with Clostridium perfringens, rotavirus, Strongyloides westeri and Cryptosporidium spp. Epidemiol Infect 117:375. PUBMED Abstract
  55. Dewes HF. 1989. The association between weather, frenzied behavior, percutaneous invasion by Strongyloides westeri larvae and Rhodococcus equi disease in foals. N Z Vet J 37:69. PUBMED Abstract
  56. Lyons ET, Tolliver SC. 2004. Prevalence of parasite eggs (Strongyloides westeri, Parascaris equorum, and strongyles) and oocysts (Eimeria leuckarti) in the feces of Thoroughbred foals on 14 farms in central Kentucky. Parasitol Res 92:400.
  57. Reinemeyer CR. 2012. Anthelmintic resistance in non-strongylid parasites of horses. Vet Parasitol 185:9. PUBMED Abstract
  58. Cogley TP, Anderson JR, Cogley LJ. 1982. Migration of Gasterophilus intestinalis larvae (diptera: Gasterophilidae) in the equine oral cavity. Int J Parasitol 12:473. PUBMED Abstract
  59. Principato M. 1988. Classification of the main macroscopic lesions produced by larvae of Gasterophilus spp. (Diptera: Gasterophilidae) in free-ranging horses in Umbria. Cornell Vet 78:43. PUBMED Abstract
  60. Wollanke B, Gerhards H, Pfleghaar S. 2004. Chronic recurrent conjunctivitis due to Thelazia lacrymalis-induced, chronic abscess forming dacryoadenitis in a warmblood stallion. Pferdeheilk 20:131.
  61. Beelitz P, Matiasek K, Gothe R. 2001. Prevalence and worm burden of Thelazia lacrymalis (Nematoda, Spirurida, Thelaziidae) in slaughter horses from Upper Bavaria. Tierartzl Umschau 56:361.
  62. Lyons ET, Swerczek TW, Tolliver SC, et al. 2000. Prevalence of selected species of internal parasites in equids at necropsy in central Kentucky (1995-1999). Vet Parasitol 92:51. PUBMED Abstract
  63. Blagburn B, Lindsay D, Hendrix C, et al. 1991. Pathogenesis, treatment and control of gastric parasites in horses. Compend Cont Educ Pract Vet 13:850.
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  67. Lyons ET, Tolliver SC, Drudge JH, et al. 1987. Common internal parasites found in the stomach, large intestine, and cranial mesenteric artery of Thoroughbreds in Kentucky at necropsy (1985 to 1986). Am J Vet Res 48:268. PUBMED Abstract
  68. Collobert-Laugier C, Lamidey C, Brisseau N, et al. 2000. Prevalence of stomach nematodes (Habronema spp., Draschia megastoma and Trichostrongylus axei) in horses examined post mortem in Normandy. Rev Med Vet 151:151.
  69. Herd RP. 1986. Serum pepsinogen concentrations of ponies naturally infected with Trichostrongylus axei. Equine Vet J 18:490. PUBMED Abstract
  70. Eysker M, Jansen J, Wemmenhove R, et al. 1983. Alternate grazing of horses and sheep as control for gastro-intestinal helminthiasis in horses. Vet Parasitol 13:273. PUBMED Abstract
  71. Eysker M, Jansen J, Mirck MH. 1986. Control of strongylosis in horses by alternate grazing of horses and sheep and some other aspects of the epidemiology of strongylidae infections. Vet Parasitol 19:103. PUBMED Abstract
  72. Rabalais F, Votava C. 1974. Cutaneous distribution of microfilariae of Onchocerca cervicalis in horses. Am J Vet Res 35:1369. PUBMED Abstract
  73. Perris EE. 1995. Parasitic dermatoses that cause pruritus in horses. Vet Clin North Am Equine Pract 11:11. PUBMED Abstract
  74. French DD, Klei TR, Foil CS, et al. 1988. Efficacy of ivermectin in paste and injectable formulations against microfilariae of Onchocerca cervicalis and resolution of associated dermatitis in horses. Am J Vet Res 49:1550.
  75. Rees CA. 2004. Disorders of the skin. In Reed SM, Bayly WM, Sellon DC (eds), Equine internal medicine. Elsevier, St Louis, MO.
  76. Logas DB, Barbet JL. 1999. Diseases characterized by pruritus and hair loss. In Colahan PT, Mayhew IG, Merritt AM, et al (eds), Equine medicine and surgery. Mosby, St Louis, MO.
  77. Cello RM. 1971. Ocular onchocerciasis in the horse. Equine Vet J 3:148. PUBMED Abstract
  78. Mancebo OA, Verdi JH, Bulman GM. 1997. Comparative efficacy of moxidectin 2% equine oral gel and ivermectin 2% equine oral paste against Onchocerca cervicalis (Railliet and Henry, 1910) microfilariae in horses with naturally acquired infections in Formosa (Argentina). Vet Parasitol 73:243. PUBMED Abstract
  79. Baumann R. 1946. Beobachtungen beim parasitären Summerbluten der Pferde. Wien Tierartzl Mschr 33:52.
  80. Thomsett LR. 1968. Parafilaria multipapillosa in horse. Vet Rec 83:27.
  81. Spalding MG, Greiner EC, Green SL. 1990. Halicephalobus (Micronema) deletrix infection in two half-sibling foals. J Am Vet Med Assoc 196:1127. PUBMED Abstract
  82. Blunden AS, Khalil LF, Webbon PM. 1987. Halicephalobus deletrix infection in a horse. Equine Vet J 19:255. PUBMED Abstract
  83. Anderson RC, Linder KE, Peregrine AS. 1988. Halicephalobus gingivalis (Stefanski, 1954) from a fatal infection in a horse in Ontario, Canada with comments on the validity of H. deletrix and a review of the genus. Parasite 5:255. PUBMED Abstract
  84. Eydal M, Bambir SH, Sigurdarson S, et al. 2012. Fatal infection in two Icelandic stallions caused by Halicephalobus gingivalis (Nematoda: Rhabditida). Vet Parasitol 186:523. PUBMED Abstract
  85. Dunn DG, Gardiner CH, Dralle KR, et al. 2000. Nodular granulomatous posthitis caused by Halicephalobus (syn. Micronema) sp. in a horse. Vet Pathol 30:207. PUBMED Abstract
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  96. Cringoli G, Rinaldi L, Maurelli MP, et al. 2010. FLOTAC: new multivalent techniques for qualitative and quantitative copromicroscopic diagnosis of parasites in animals and humans. Nat Protoc 5:503. PUBMED Abstract
  97. Nielsen MK, Baptiste KE, Tolliver SC, et al. 2010. Analysis of multiyear studies in horses in Kentucky to ascertain whether counts of eggs and larvae per gram of feces are reliable indicators of numbers of strongyles and ascarids present. Vet Parasitol 174:77. PUBMED Abstract
  98. Bevilaqua CML, de L Rodrigues M, Concordet D. 1993. Identification of infective larvae of some common nematode strongylids of horses. Vet Med Rev 144:989.
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  100. Proudman CJ, Edwards GB. 1992. Validation of a centrifugation/flotation technique for the diagnosis of equine cestodiasis. Vet Rec 131:71. PUBMED Abstract
  101. Kjær LN, Lungholt MM, Nielsen MK, et al. 2007. Interpretation of serum antibody response to Anoplocephala perfoliata in relation to parasite burden and faecal egg count. Equine Vet J 39:529. PUBMED Abstract
  102. Proudman CJ, Trees AJ. 1996. Use of excretory/secretory antigens for the serodiagnosis of Anoplocephala perfoliata cestodosis. Vet Parasitol 61:239. PUBMED Abstract
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  105. Becher A, Mahling M, Nielsen MK, et al. 2010. Selective anthelmintic therapy of horses in the Federal states of Bavaria (Germany) and Salzburg (Austria): an investigation into strongyle egg shedding consistency. Vet Parasitol 171:116. PUBMED Abstract
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  107. Nielsen MK, Vidyashankar AN, Olsen SN, et al. 2012. Strongylus vulgaris associated with usage of selective therapy on Danish horse farms—is it reemerging? Vet Parasitol 189:26. PUBMED Abstract
  108. Nielsen MK, Olsen SN, Lyons ET, et al. 2012. Real-time PCR evaluation of Strongylus vulgaris in horses on farms in Denmark and Central Kentucky. Vet Parasitol 190:461. PUBMED Abstract
  109. Uhlinger CA, Kristula M. 1992. Effects of alternation of drug classes on the development of oxibendazole resistance in a herd of horses. J Am Vet Med Assoc 201:51. PUBMED Abstract
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Gastrointestinal Nematode Infections in Cattle

  1. Ballweber LR. 2006. Endoparasite control. Vet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract 22:451. PUBMED Abstract
  2. Yazwinski TA, Tucker CA. 2006. A sampling of factors relative to the epidemiology of gastrointestinal nematodosis of cattle in the United States. Vet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract 22:501. PUBMED Abstract
  3. Taylor MA, Coop RL, Wall RL. 2007. Veterinary parasitology. Blackwell Publishing, Ames, IA.
  4. Stromberg BE, Gasbarre LC. 2006. Gastrointestinal nematode control programs with an emphasis on cattle. Vet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract 22:543. PUBMED Abstract
  5. Williams JC, Bilkovich FR. 1971. Development and survival of infective larvae of the cattle nematode, Ostertagia ostertagi. J Parasitol 57:327. PUBMED Abstract
  6. Williams JC, Bilkovich FR. 1973. Distribution of Ostertagia ostertagi infective larvae on pasture herbage. Am J Vet Res 34:1337. PUBMED Abstract
  7. Slocombe JOD. 1974. Overwintering of bovine gastrointestinal nematodes in southwestern Ontario. Can J Comp Med 38:90. PUBMED Abstract
  8. Gibbs HC. 1979. Relative importance of winter survival of larval nematodes in pasture and infected carrier calves in a study of parasitic gastroenteritis in calves. Am J Vet Res 40:227. PUBMED Abstract
  9. Gibbs HC. 1980. Persistence in pasture of the infective larvae of nematodes parasitizing Maine dairy cattle. Am J Vet Res 41:1694. PUBMED Abstract
  10. Frank GR, Herd RP, Marbury KS, et al. 1986. Effects of transfer of Ostertagia ostertagi between northern and southern U.S.A. on the pattern and frequency of hypobiosis. Int J Parasitol 16:391. PUBMED Abstract
  11. Frank GR, Herd RP, Marbury KS, et al. 1988. Additional investigations on hypobiosis of Ostertagia ostertagi after transfer between northern and southern U.S.A. Int J Parasitol 18:171. PUBMED Abstract
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  15. Gasbarre LC, Smith LL, Lichtenfels JR, et al. 2009. The identification of cattle nematode parasites resistant to multiple classes of anthelmintics in a commercial cattle population in the US. Vet Parasitol 166:281. PUBMED Abstract
  16. Sutherland IA, Leathwick DM. 2010. Anthelmintic resistance in nematode parasites of cattle: a global issue? Trends Parasitol 27:176. PUBMED Abstract
  17. Gasbarre LC, Smith LL, Hoberg E, et al. 2009. Further characterization of a cattle nematode population with demonstrated resistance to current anthelmintics. Vet Parasitol 166:275. PUBMED Abstract
  18. Edmonds MD, Johnson EG, Edmonds JD. 2010. Anthelmintic resistance of Ostertagia ostertagi and Cooperia oncophora to macrocyclic lactones in cattle from the western United States. Vet Parasitol 170:224. PUBMED Abstract
  19. Wolstenholme AJ, Kaplan RM. 2012. Resistance to macrocyclic lactones. Curr Pharm Biotech 13:873. PUBMED Abstract
  20. Ballweber LR, Baeten LA. 2012. Use of macrocyclic lactones in cattle in the USA. Curr Pharm Biotech 13:1061. PUBMED Abstract
  21. Jackson R, Rhodes AP, Pomroy WE, et al. 2006. Anthelmintic resistance and management of nematode parasites on beef cattle-rearing farms in the North Island of New Zealand. N Z Vet J 54:289. PUBMED Abstract
  22. Ballweber LR, Gasbarre LC, Dargatz DA, et al. 2012. Attitudes towards gastrointestinal parasites and parasite control practices among United States cow-calf producers. Vet Parasitol. Submitted.
  23. Stromberg BE, Gasbarre LC, Waite A, et al. 2012. Cooperia punctata: effect on cattle productivity. Vet Parasitol 183:284. PUBMED Abstract
  24. Bartram DJ, Leathwick DM, Taylor MA, et al. 2012. The role of combination anthelmintic formulations in the sustainable control of sheep nematodes. Vet Parasitol 186:151. PUBMED Abstract
  25. Leathwick DM, Waghorn TS, Miller CM, et al. 2012. Managing anthelmintic resistance—use of a combination anthelmintic and leaving some lambs untreated to slow the development of resistance to ivermectin. Vet Parasitol 187:285. PUBMED Abstract
  26. Stromberg BE, Averbeck GA. 1999. The role of parasite epidemiology in the management of grazing cattle. Int J Parasitol 29:33. PUBMED Abstract
  27. Charlier J, Levecke B, Devleesschauwer B, et al. 2012. The economic effects of whole-herd versus selective anthelmintic treatment strategies in dairy cows. J Dairy Sci 95:2977. PUBMED Abstract
  28. Stuedemann JA, Kaplan RM, Ciordia H, et al. 2004. Bermudagrass management in the Southern Piedmont USA. V: Gastrointestinal parasite control in cattle. Vet Parasitol 126:375. PUBMED Abstract
  29. Familton AS, Mason P, Coles GC. 2001. Anthelmintic-resistant Cooperia species in cattle. Vet Rec 149:719. PUBMED Abstract
  30. Siefker C, Rickard LG. 2000. Ostertagia ostertagi challenges of calves vaccinated with Haemonchus placei intestinal homogenate. Vet Parasitol 90:103. PUBMED Abstract
  31. Rinaldi M, Geldhof P. 2012. Immunologically based control strategies for ostertagiosis in cattle: where do we stand? Parasite Immunol 34:254. PUBMED Abstract
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  33. Demeler J, Kleinschmidt N, Küttler U, et al. 2012. Evaluation of the egg hatch assay and the larval migration inhibition assay to detect anthelmintic resistance in cattle parasitic nematodes on farms. Parasitol Int 61:614. PUBMED Abstract
  34. De Graf J, Sarre C, Mills BM, et al. 2012. Assessing resistance against macrocyclic lactones in gastro-intestinal nematodes in cattle using the faecal egg count reduction test and the controlled efficacy test. Vet Parasitol 189:378. PUBMED Abstract
  35. Ballweber LR. 2006. Diagnostic methods for parasitic infections in livestock. Vet Clin N Am Food Anim Pract 22:695. PUBMED Abstract

Gastrointestinal Nematode Infections in Sheep and Goats

  1. Radostits OM, Gay CC, Hinchcliff JW, et al. 2007. Veterinary medicine, ed 10. Saunders, St Louis, MO, p 1831.
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